“Industry is required to adopt business model keeping in view the demand-supply of sugar”

Kanpur: Five days “Executive Development Programme” conducted by National Sugar Institute, Kanpur on virtual platform concluded today. Among faculty of the institute and experts from the country, eminent expert from overseas countries viz. Dr. Wirat Vanicsriratna, Kasetsart University, Thailand, Dr. Tor Kit Goh, M/s Clarien, Germany and Mr. Ahmed Vawda, M/s American Sugar Refining Co., also delivered lectures on latest developments and innovations in the areas of sugar processing and by-product utilization.

Dr. Wirat Vanicsriratna, Kasetsart University presented an overview of the research & development work being carried out in Thailand to produce value added products like bioplastics and sanitary napkins from bagasse. Bagasse can be an excellent source in tissue culture scaffolds. Dr. Tor Kit Goh, M/s Clarien, Germany described the technology of producing second generation (2G) ethanol from bagasse and other cellulosic material. Utilization of bagasse for producing ethanol can be milestone in India’s effort to boost ethanol production so as to attain blending @20% by 2021, Dr. Goh added.

Prof. D Swain, discussed various models of production of Oxygen in the existing Ethanol Units by “Pressure Swing Absorption” technology. We can do so during the off-season of the Ethanol units or in case of emergency but it will require changes in existing set up and additional investment, he said. Lectures on variety of topics, viz. Sustainable Sugarcane Production, Alternate Feed Stocks for Ethanol Production, Environment Management in Sugar Factories and Distilleries, Packaging and on Strategic Planning were delivered by institute faculty and other experts.

During the concluding session, Shri Narendra Mohan, Director, National Sugar Institute while extending thanks to all the participants from Indian and overseas countries stressed for greater interaction between industry and institutes to develop innovative products and technologies. Still the potential is unexplored and industry has to look forward for utilizing molasses for producing Mono Sodium Glutamate, a food additive, used in China, Korea and Japan. Similarly bagasse can be an excellent source for producing particle board, compostable crockery and activated carbon etc. Last but not the least, sugar industry is required to adopt business model keeping in view the demand-supply of sugar and also considering sugar quality as required for common consumer, industrial users and exports, he said.


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