ISMA seeks JNPT help for smooth sugar export

Coronavirus has impacted the sugar industry very hard as the sugar sales are dipped and also exports are halted. Indian Sugar Mills Association has written a letter to JNPT chairman to assist the industry for smooth sugar export.

In a letter, ISMA stated, “In view of surplus sugar production and higher sugar inventory with sugar mills, Ministry of Food, Government of India had allocated 60 lakh tonnes of Maximum Admissible Export Quota (MAEQ) for sugar exports during
2019-20 SS i.e. from October 2019 to September 2020. As on date, sugar
mills and exporters have contracted for 42 lakh tonnes of sugar for exports to
various destinations and are moving the sugar to ports. We understand that Container Freight Stations (CFS) around JNPT are working with a capacity of 20 to 30 per cent, and there is a chance of it slowing down further any time due to abnormal situation arisen due to pandemic COVID-19.”

“Many exporters are in the process of moving sugar from sugar mills to CFSs located in and around JNPT and have picked up sizable number of
containers. However, exporters are advised to despatch only 5 FCL (full
container load) daily, as the CFS doesn’t know when the situation can go
bad and can close down. They have also been informed by Customs that
there is acute shortage of labour and lorry drivers for unloading and loading
in CFS.”  ISMA further stated in a letter.

Considering the situation of sugar industry and exporters that the
sugar allocated to sugar mills are to be exported on time as also that the
sugar is already in transit to ports for loading in containers, ISMA request JNPT
to resolve the issue by providing Mechanised systems like Movable
Conveyor belts, dumpers, movable platforms and whatever necessary to
CFSs to reduce dependency on Labour and thus enabling social

ISMA said that labourers and lorry drivers working in CFSs and ports may
also be given proper healthcare facility and accommodation etc. so that
they could be able to resume work for smooth operations of port activities.


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