Karnal: Sugarcane farmers will soon get two new high-yielding varieties of sugarcane that would increase their productivity and income, reports Hindustan Times. The scientists of the ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, regional center, Karnal are working on them and one high-yielding variety ‘Co 16034’ will be soon made available to the farmers.
Another variety ‘Co 17018’ will be released by the scientists in October 2023.
The recently released ‘Co 15023’ variety called the ‘super early variety’ has also reported good results as farmers can plant it during the summer and spring months and not in autumn.
The farmers that are suffering losses due to the ‘Co 0238’ variety will rejoice after the introduction of these varieties.
“These varieties are in the pipeline and there is a possibility that ‘Co 16034’ will be released in September this year while the other variety will be released in October 2023 if the remaining research work is completed well within time and as per the expectations,” Dr. G Hemaprabha, director, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore was quoted as saying by Hindustan Times.