Mysugar mill to become fully operational by September 30

Mysuru: The state-owned Mysore Sugar Company Ltd (Mysugar) will become fully operational by September 30, according to thehindu.

The installation of the second boiler of the mill will be completed by September 20 and the mill will operate at its full capacity from September 30.

The deputy commissioner has issued instructions to the sugar mills in the vicinity not to collect sugarcane from the jurisdiction of the Mysugar factory, said Minister-in-charge of Mandya district K. Gopalaiah.

“If anyone is found transporting sugarcane belonging to Mysugar mill to other mills, then such cane will be seized,” he said.

He recently visited the mill and reviewed its operations.

He asked the sugar mill to ensure that the farmers get their cane dues in time and once the farmers get confidence that the mill pays them in time then they will continue the supply of cane to the mill, he said.

“We are planning to invite the Chief Minister in October to show how the mill is operating full to its capacity after revival,” he said.


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