Kenya: Plans to lease four government-owned sugar mills will go on as planned

Agriculture Principal Secretary Kiprono Rono has confirmed that plans to lease four government-owned sugarcane factories in Western and Nyanza will proceed as scheduled, reported The Standard.

Speaking at Kibabii University in Bungoma county on Monday during the official opening of the pre-Madaraka Day Agricultural Exhibition, Rono announced that the government will move forward with leasing Nzoia, Chemilil, Sony, and Muhoroni sugar mills to revitalize them.

Rono assured farmers and workers at these mills that they would receive payment for arrears within three months, as promised by the government. “We aim to get these mills back on track for the benefit of the locals, which can only be achieved by allowing private investors to take over. All unpaid farmers and factory workers in the four mills will be compensated within three months,” he stated.

However, farmers and some leaders from sugarcane-growing zones have expressed opposition to the leasing plan, fearing it could lead to exploitation.

Additionally, Rono addressed concerns about the availability of top-dressing fertilizer, stating that it is now available at the National Cereals and Produce Board. “There were concerns that farmers in this region were missing top-dressing fertilizer at the Cereals Board. We have resolved the issue, and our farmers can now access the fertilizers,” he said.

He also assured that the government is vigilant in preventing the distribution of fake fertilizers and counterfeit seeds.

Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa, who attended the event, called on the national government to fully devolve agriculture, arguing that the challenges faced by different counties necessitate local management. “We need a discussion on the best funding approach for fertilizer procurement. We can partner on policy, but procurement should be fully devolved since counties have unique soil conditions,” Barasa said.

Also present at the event were host Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka, Deputy Governor Pastor Jenipher Mbatiany, and other top county officials.


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