Lack of network hinders cane survey using GPS

Roorke, Uttarakhand: In a village within the Ikbalpur Ganna Vikas Parishad area, the ganna (sugarcane) survey will be carried out using traditional methods due to the absence of network connectivity. The GPS-based survey in this village has failed to proceed due to technical difficulties.

The team from Ikbalpur Ganna Vikas Parishad initiated the ganna survey using GPS-based methods on May 15th. However, in the village of Jhivarhedi within the region, the survey could not be conducted using the GPS system due to the lack of network connectivity. In light of the networking problem in the village, the survey team has now resorted to traditional methods for conducting the ganna survey using physical markers. The surveyors are compelled to mark the boundaries of the sugarcane fields by placing physical markers around them. This ensures that the ganna survey can be completed in Jhivarhedi village.


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