Maharashtra: 166 sugar mills make 100 per cent sugarcane payment

Pune: The sugarcane crushing season for 2023-24 has concluded in Maharashtra, and sugar mills are successfully meeting the obligations for sugarcane payments.

As of June 15, 2024, 166 sugar mills out of 208 sugar mills made complete FRP payments to farmers. This amounts to the 99.02 per cent actual FRP payment rate across the State and showcases commitment to the interest of farmers by the industry.

This has been possible because of the concerted effort of sugar mills and the continuous focus of the government to ensure timely FRP payments to farmers.

The total FRP amount payable (Including H&T) for the season was  Rs 36,605 crore. Out of this, actual FRP paid (Including H&T) was Rs 36,247.

Data from the sugar commissioner’s office shows whereas most of the mills have done exceedingly well, some are still lagging to make complete payment. Currently, 33 mills have paid in the range of 80% to 99% of FRP, with 8 mills in the 60% to 79% payment range. One mill has paid only 0-59% of the FRP.

Revenue Recovery Certificates have been issued to 7 sugar mills to clear pending sugarcane payments.


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