Kolhapur: The Pune state excise department conducted an overnight inspection from Friday night to Saturday morning at the distillery project of Shree Dudhganga Vedganga Cooperative Sugar Factory in Bidri village, Kolhapur district. Officials examined and seized documents related to the distillery project, reported The Times of India.
Residents of Bidri believe the sudden inspection might be politically motivated.
The distillery project is currently under development. The Rs 130 crore project has been controversial, with accusations and counter-accusations from both ruling and opposition alliances.
Speaking to Times of India, Patil said, “The distillery project is complete and the production trial is underway. The excise team made a surprise visit on Friday late night. They will report to their superiors and intimate us, the factory management will then make appropriate disclosures.”
During the inspection, the factory’s executive director KS Chougule and other officials provided detailed information to the excise department team.
Shree Dudhganga Vedganga Cooperative Sugar Factory has the distinction of offering the highest sugarcane rate in Maharashtra last crushing season.