Maharashtra Navnirman Sena stages demonstration for pending arrears

Beed: Activists belonging to the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena staged a demonstration in front of former minister Pankaja Munde’s house in Parli to demand pending sugarcane arrears of Pannageshwar Sugar Mill from season 2018-19.

The situation was tense for some time as the BJP activists entered on the road in support of Munde. Police detained some agitating MNS workers and took them to the police station, Parli.

The MNS activists started agitation at the police station with their same demands. Munde and other senior officials reached the police station and assured the activists to clear their cane dues in 15 to 20 days, following which the activists called off their agitation.

Party’s region president Santosh Nagargoje has threatened to launch an agitation if mill failed to pay within the stipulated time.

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