Mandya: Sugarcane crop may get NDRF relief

Mandya, Karnataka: Under the NDRF norms, only four crops in Mandya district are currently eligible for drought relief: paddy, ragi, jowar, and groundnut. However, Deputy Commissioner Kumara announced that a proposal would be sent to the government to include sugarcane and coconut crops in the relief package, following appeals from farmers, reported The Hindu.

During a meeting to address farmers’ grievances on Wednesday, Kumara assured farmers about the proposal.

Regarding fertilizers and sowing seeds, Kumara stated that Mandya requires 90,000 metric tonnes of fertilizers but currently has 55,000 metric tonnes in stock. The remaining quantity will be procured based on seasonal demand. Fertilizer dealers have been instructed to display price and stock details at their shops, and Mandya’s 540 licensed dealers have been informed of compliance rules.


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