Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh: Farmers have expressed their concerns to the Sugarcane Minister Laxmi Narayan Chaudhary about the delay in payment despite the timely delivery of sugarcane to the sugar mills. They have requested the streamlining of the payment process, reported Amar Ujala.
In response, the Minister assured the farmers that the sugar mills would pay them their dues every week. He further instructed that any grievances arising from the current crushing season should be addressed promptly.
The Minister also held discussions with officials from the Lucknow and Bareilly regions to review the sugar mills’ operations and directed them to expedite the establishment of new procurement centers.
During the meeting, Anuj Singh, the District Magistrate, Rajeev Rai, the The Minister emphasized the need to strengthen sugarcane procurement committees and expedite the construction of new buildings. He also urged officials to provide a list of roads constructed or repaired by the sugarcane department in the district, which can be shared with local representatives.