National Sugar Institute to help overseas sugar producing countries

Moving beyond boundaries of the country, National Sugar Institute, Kanpur to impart training of manpower employed and consultancy for productivity enhancement of the existing sugar plants in many overseas sugar producing countries.

Recently, a team of the institute led by Shri Narendra Mohan visited a sugar factory of PT PG Rajwali Sugar Group in Indonesia to observe the working and suggest measures to be taken for reducing sugar losses during processing, steam and power consumption. We are going to provide them short term, mid term and long term recommendations not only on these areas but also to modernize the plant and converting existing process of sugar production, said Director, National Sugar Institute. A team of technical officers from the factory shall also come to the institute in November- December 2023 for attending a training programme.

Besides Indonesia, we have received requests from Bangladesh, Cuba and Fiji for seeking support of the institute for improving the working and thus financial conditions of the existing sugar units. The productivity in Fiji Sugar Factories is wanting and thus Fiji Sugar Corporation is pursuing us for efficiency improvement in their existing three sugar plants. To undertake the work, a team of the institute is likely to visit Fiji to sign MoU and take up the work which also includes training of the manpower.

Sugar factories in Cuba, earlier considered as “Sugar Bowl” lack in utilization of by-products for producing value added products and thus depend upon revenues from sugar. The models of diversification suggested by the institute to produce such innovative products have appealed a lot to the Cuban Sugar Industry, the concerned organization, ICIDCA, has desired to enter into an MoU with the institute and for which draft proposal has been approved by both the organizations.

The neighboring country, Bangladesh through Bangladesh Sugar & Food Industries Corporation has also desired to seek institute support for training of their in-service personnel for up-grading their knowledge about latest technological advancements in the area of sugar processing. The modalities are being worked out and accordingly we will conduct desired training programmes at the site of sugar factories in Bangladesh and at National Sugar Institute, Kanpur.


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