Nepal: Government releases subsidy to sugarcane farmers

Kathmandu, Nepal: Sugarcane farmers in Nepal got a big relief as the government has released a subsidy of Rs 950-million of last year.  According to the Dr. Hari Bahadur KC, spokesperson of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development said, “The funds have been transferred by the Ministry to the District Treasury and Controller Officers of eight districts. These districts will distribute the money to the sugarcane farmers.”

Along with the subsidy the government has allotted Rs 2,050,000 for the administrative expenses.

The Finance Ministry during last year budget had made the announcement of the subsidy and had made provision for the same.
“As per the budgetary allocations, the ministry has released all the necessary funds to the sugarcane farmers. However as per the quantity of crushing sugarcane, we are still short of Rs 19.7 million,” he said.

The subsidy is allocated based on the sugarcane crushed for the year. Last year the mills had crushed 14.85 million quintal sugarcane.


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