NSI imparting training to officers of Indonesian sugar firm

One week training programme for the technical officers of PT PG Rajawali Group of Sugar Factories, Indonesia commenced at National Sugar Institute, Kanpur. The programme is being attended by twenty senior staff including Director (Operations) and Heads of Production, Engineering and Quality Control. During the training programme apart from theoretical training, practical exposure shall be provided to the participants in a nearby sugar factory.

The productivities in Indonesia are lacking from farm to factory. While their sugarcane yield and sugar content is lower, the sugar plant efficiencies are also much lower as compared to India. Indonesia is also a sugar deficient country and relies on import of sugar from other countries. So, to be self- reliant in sugar, the country is looking to all around productivity enhancement, said Ms. Nanik Soelistyowati, Director (Operations). For this purpose, we have sought support of National Sugar Institute, Kanpur.

This is the first training programme which we are conducting for Indonesian sugar company and more will follow in future. We are going to impart technical know-how to the participants on energy conservation, co-generation & export of power, efficiency improvement, quality control and on producing value added products to enhance income streams for making the sugar units viable said Shri Narendra Mohan, Director, National Sugar Institute, Kanpur.

The two organizations also agreed to sign a MoU for undertaking many activities in future viz. training programmes and visit of NSI officials to Indonesia for making on the spot study of the sugar plants and advice for their modernization and efficiency improvement. The visiting participants also visited various laboratories and other facilities to gain knowledge on research work being carried out by the institute.


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