Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi on Friday declared the unseasonal rain in December last year a natural calamity. This decision aims to facilitate the disbursement of compensation to farmers whose crops were damaged by the untimely weather, utilizing funds from the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF).
Speaking at the ‘Krushi Odisha Conclave’ 2025 in Bhubaneswar, the Chief Minister stated that farmers who suffered a loss of 33 percent or more of their crops due to the unseasonal rain would receive financial assistance in accordance with the relief code.
He mentioned that approximately Rs 291 crore would be allocated from the SDRF to support the affected farmers.
“Although unseasonal rain was not initially classified as a natural calamity in the state, considering the severe crop damage and the hardships faced by farmers, the state government has decided to declare it as such. This will enable compensation to be provided from the SDRF,” Majhi explained.
According to reports from district collectors, a total of 6,66,720 farmers have reported crop losses of 33 percent or more due to the rainfall that occurred between December 20 and 28, 2024.
“These farmers are eligible for compensation amounting to approximately Rs 291.59 crore,” the Chief Minister said.
The unseasonal rains have affected crops across about 2,26,791 hectares of agricultural land, he added.