Pakistan: USC procures 10,000 metric tonnes of sugar

The government’s Utility Stores Corporation (USC) bought 10,000 metric tonnes of sugar at Rs 141.20 per kilogram, according to ARY News. As per media report, sources say USC purchased this amount from a larger tender of 45,000 metric tonnes. After accounting for additional costs, the sugar will ultimately cost USC Rs 156 per kilogram.

For citizens enrolled in the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), the sugar price is set at Rs 109 per kilogram, while the general public pays Rs 155 per kilogram.

In other news, Commerce Minister Jam Kamal Khan met with representatives from the Sugar Mills Association and the Ethanol Manufacturer Association to discuss pressing issues in their industries. These meetings, held at the Ministry of Commerce, aimed to create a dialogue and find solutions to the challenges faced by these sectors. The associations welcomed the opportunity to be consulted before any major decisions were made.

Minister Khan assured the industry leaders of his commitment to supporting their interests and addressing their concerns. His goal is to strengthen the domestic industry while also increasing exports to boost foreign reserves.


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