PAU team visits Hoshiarpur to monitor weed management in sugarcane cultivation

Ludhiana: A team from Punjab Agricultural University headed by Dr. Makhan Singh Bhullar, director of extension education, visited farmers’ fields in Hoshiarpur district to monitor weed management in sugarcane cultivation, reported City Air News.

He informed that during this kharif season, cultivation of sugarcane is being done over a considerable area in this sub-division and, further, is fraught with many weed control issues. The team made visits to various trials meant for assessing the performance of different weedicides in villages Rasulpur, Bodal, and Versha.

Farmers were advised to apply recommended herbicides at appropriate doses and timings for effective control of weeds. Accompanying Dr Bhullar were Dr Hari Ram, Head of the Department of Agronomy; Dr Gulzar Singh, Director of RRS Kapurthala; Dr Rajinder Kumar; and scientists from FASC Gangian, including Dr Charanjeet Kaur, Dr Rakesh Kumar Sharma, and Dr Indira Devi.

During the visit, Dr. Bhullar also addressed various issues related to the region’s crops, fruits, and vegetables. He urged the FASC scientists to ensure that PAU technologies are disseminated to every farmer in the district.


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