Punjab: Bhogpur sugar mill generating electricity from paddy stubble

Jalandhar: To combat stubble burning and its associated environmental risk, the Bhogpur Co-Operative sugar mill has embarked on a noteworthy initiative, generating electricity by utilizing paddy stubble daily, reported Tribune India.

To achieve this, the mill has been directly procuring paddy stubble from local farmers, offering prices ranging from Rs 180 to Rs 250 per quintal. This innovative approach has yielded positive results, with no reported cases of stubble burning in Bhogpur and its adjacent regions, according to data from the Punjab Pollution Control Board.

Vishesh Sarangal, the Deputy Commissioner, stated that the administration has set a target to purchase 40,000 MT of paddy stubble during the current season, in addition to 10,000 MT of cane trash. The mill plans to utilize paddy stubble for seven months and cane trash for five months.

Furthermore, the district administration has strategized to manage 2.36 lakh metric tonnes of paddy stubble through ex-situ management during the ongoing harvest season. The district possesses approximately 60 balers capable of producing bales weighing three to five quintals, which farmers or farming groups will directly sell to industries in the district.

The Deputy Commissioner encouraged other farmers to follow suit and sell their stubble directly to the mill, thereby earning extra income while mitigating the harmful effects of stubble burning.


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