Saharanpur: DM warns of FIR if pending sugarcane dues are not cleared

Saharanpur: DM Dr Dinesh Chandra convened a meeting with officials of sugar mills regarding the issues over the payment of sugarcane, reported Live Hindustan.

He reprimanded four delayed-paying sugar mills and instructed them to make payments immediately. He sternly warned the representatives of sugar mills and directed them to ensure 100% payment within a week. If the said amount fails to be paid, FIRs will be lodged against mill owners. In the meeting, District Sugarcane Officer Sushil Kumar, Ganganauli sugar mill Unit Head Harvish Kumar Malik, Gagalheri sugar mill Unit Head Dhanraj Singh, CGM Ashwani Singh of Bidvi sugar mill, and General Manager Bhanu Pratap Singh of Todarpur sugar mill participated.


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