Slovakia introduces tax on sugary drinks

Slovakia’s parliament passed a new law on Wednesday introducing a tax on sugary drinks. Under the new legislation, a base rate of 15 cents per litre will be applied to standard sweetened beverages like colas, with different rates for energy drinks and syrups, reports The Slovak Spectator.

The law was backed by members of the ruling coalition, while opposition MPs either abstained or voted against it. The government expects to collect around €80 million from the tax in 2025, €109 million in 2026, and €110 million by 2027.

Beverage manufacturers and distributors have complained that the flat tax would affect low-income households the most. They also warned that people may turn to using other products such as sweets. The CEO of Kofola ČeşkoSlovensko Daniel Buryš attacked the law stating that if the government wanted to seriously reduce the cases of obesity, it needed to adopt a more comprehensive strategy.


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