Sugar industry welcomes the government’s decision of not increasing SAP

Lucknow: Though the sugarcane farmers have criticized the UP government’s decision to not change the State Advisory Price (SAP) for the current sugarcane crushing season, the UP sugar industry has welcomed it.

The industry officials have stated that the climatic factors including rain have impacted the recovery rate of the sugarcane. This has increased the cost of production of sugar by Rs 150 per quintal.

For the on-going crushing season, the SAP will be Rs 315 per quintal for the common variety of cane which is more than half of the cane produced in the state. The rates of early variety will be Rs 325 and that of late variety will be Rs 310 per quintal respectively.

The government had increased SAP in 2017 by Rs 10 per quintal after the Yogi government came into power.

The lower sugarcane recovery has increased the production cost of sugar making it tough for the sugar mills to clear the cane bills to the farmers.


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