Sugar mills allowed to manufacture RS and ENA from sugarcane juice and B-Heavy Molasses

Department of Food and Public Distribution (DFPD) has permitted sugar mills and distilleries to manufacture Rectified Spirit (RS)/Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA) from sugarcane juice and B-Heavy molasses.

In a communication to sugar mills, DFPD said, “I am directed to refer to this Directorate order No 3(2)/2023-SP 15.12.2023 regarding no use of sugarcane juice/ B-heavy molasses for manufacture of RS and ENA and to say that sugar mills and distilleries are allowed to manufacture RS and ENA from sugarcane juice and B-Heavy Molasses.”

An order issued by the DFPD to sugar mills/distilleries on December 15 stated that no diversion of sugarcane juice and B Heavy molasses is allowed for production of RS/ENA.


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