Kolhapur sugar mills may face crisis due to less cane production

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Khochi: The untimely rain has affected cane production in this crushing season. The crushing was reduced by 10 lakh tonne in Kolhapur district. Next year the number may increase to 20 lakh tonne. The watering turn has reduced from two weeks to a month which will result in stunted growth of sugarcane crop.

The sugarcane cultivation area is around 1.50 lakh hector, and the water level of wells has been lowered. Considering the capacity of 15 co-operative and seven private sugar mills, crushing of 1.40 lakh tonne sugarcane was expected. But 1.30 lakh tonne was crushed this year, 10 lakh tonne less than estimation. Climate change and retreating monsoon have affected production.

Now during the summer season, the water level of rivers has lowered. The farmers have to wait for watering crops. The lack of sufficient water will affect cane production, and the Indian Meteorological Department has predicted low monsoons this year. It will affect the growth of cane this year. If these conditions persist further, the production will be reduced. This may lead to a reduction of 8 to 10 tonne per acre on an average.

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