Workers demand release of pending salary from sugar mills

Sugar mills in Maharashtra have cleared cane dues with good speed as compared to Uttar Pradesh. But mills in the state have withheld salaries to workers for several months now.

In Maharashtra, sugar mills have cleared around 99 per cent cane arrears of sugarcane farmers. According to the media report, salaries of workers in the state have piled up to Rs 500 crore and the associations are threatening to launch an agitation for the pending dues.

According to the, Tatyasaheb Kale, Maharashtra Rajya Kamgar Pratinidhi Mandal president, “More than 45 sugar mills have not paid salaries to the workers from the last 12-20 months. We had raised the issue with the earlier BJP led government but the issue was not resolved. We are discussing the issue with the present government. The new season is slated to start next month. If the issue is not resolved by then, workers will have no other option, but to resort to agitation.”

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