Sugar production in Uttar Pradesh falls as compared to previous season

Mills in Uttar Pradesh have recorded lower sugar output this season, till January 15, 2022, as compared to the previous season.

According to the Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA), In Uttar Pradesh, 120 sugar mills have produced 40.17 lakh tonnes till 15th January, 2022. In the last 2020-21 SS, similar number of sugar mills were in operation on 15th January, 2021 and they had produced 42.99 lakh tonnes of sugar.

Speaking about India’s performance, then 504 sugar mills were in operation in the country as on 15th January 2022 and have produced 151.41 lakh tonnes of sugar, as compared to 142.78 lakh tonnes produced by 487 sugar mills as on 15th January’ 2021. This is 8.63 lakh tonnes higher as compared to last season’s production for the corresponding period.


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