Mumbai, Maharashtra: The sugarcane acreage is expected to rise in Maharashtra in season 2020-21. According to the news report published in, cane planted area in the state is expected to increase by 29 per cent to 10.66 lakh ha for the sugar year 2020-21. Last year, the area was 8.22 lakh ha, according to the estimates prepared by the State Sugar Commissioner office.
Good rainfall and the favourable climate condition is cited as a reason in an increase in the sugarcane area in Maharashtra. The state is also estimating bumper crop production, due to which season will start early.
In the current season, due to various reasons, sugar production in the state was low. According to the ISMA’s estimation in the month of June, during the current season around 0.5 lakh ha cane area was completely lost due to floods in July- AugustтАЩ 2019. Sugar production is estimated to be around 101.34 lakh tonnes in 2020-21 SS, as against 61.61 lakh tonnes produced in 2019-20 SS, i.e. higher by about 39.73 lakh tonnes.
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