Sugarcane department will conduct visit of nearby cane farmers on the farm of innovative farmers and high yielder farmers

Commissioner, Cane and Sugar Mr. Sanjay R. Bhoosreddy told that to take advantage of the experiences of progressive farmers, the neighboring farmers of nearby villages, will visit the fields of progressive farmers. For this, instructions have been issued to all the Deputy Cane Commissioners and District Cane Officers. By this visit, other farmers will also be able to improve their farming on the basis of experiences, ideas, agricultural practices, technical methods and technical information of progressive farmers and will also be able to increase their income through cane cultivation.
Giving detailed information in this regard, the Cane Commissioner said that to get more production and remarkable work in cane cultivation, Excellence and productivity awards have been recently given by the Hon’ble Chief Minister to the progressive cane farmers. In the final results of cane competitions, progressive farmers have produced 2,655 quintals per hectare on their plots, while the average sugarcane yield of the State is 823 quintals per hectare. There are about 30 to 35 educated young cane farmers and women farmers in different cane regions, those are getting good production of sugarcane and other crops with low cost by adopting farming as an enterprise with innovative techniques, other farmers can also get benefit from their experiences and should also improve there income by way of adopting these practices.
Instructions have been issued by Cane Commissioner to the regional officers that before visiting the farms of progressive farmers who have received productivity awards, a list of farmers who are producing minimum 1200 quintal per hectare cane yield, should be prepared in each district. Demonstrations should be conducted on the fields of young farmers who get high production and farming with innovative techniques.
At the time of visit to these fields, the experiences of young farmers and cane farmers of high productivity should be shared with the visiting farmers, in the words of farmers himself, so that dialogue and exchange of ideas can take place between the farmers, during this, the interference of departmental officers or personnel should be minimal. At the time of this visit, short video clips and 03 to 05 minutes and photograph of the occasion should also be prepared and should be share on the cane department IT cell e-mail which will be made available to the State cane farmers through website and social media plate form like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter so that it is easily accessible to the farmers. Wide publicity should also be given to these video clips and photographs.


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