Sugarcane farmers associations demand hike in FRP

Chennai: The sugarcane farmers in the Tamil Nadu have demanded the FRP around Rs 400 crore for the season 2018-19, and State Advised Price (SAP) of Rs 1,200 crore from 2013-14 to 2016-17 be cleared immediately.

A high-level meeting pertaining to the sugar industry and sugarcane farmers of Tamil Nadu was held in presence of Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance. Cane growers, state government officials and representatives from various banks participated in the meeting.

They demanded a hike in FRP as Central government kept Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugarcane unchanged at Rs 275 per quintal for 2019-20 crushing season for a basic recovery rate of 10 per cent. The sugarcane farmers associations asked the government to raise FRP of sugarcane from Rs 2,750 per tonne to Rs 4,000 per tonne for a recovery rate of 9.5 per cent.

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