Sugarcane farmers to get some part of pending cane dues soon

Madurai: The National Cooperative Sugar Mill from Alanganallur has agreed to pay some part of the pending cane dues to the sugarcane farmers soon.

In a statement released by the sugar mill, it has stated that around Rs 1.18 crore, the part of profit for 2008-09 will be distributed among 2,669 farmers. Also, Rs 10.73 crore, the State Advisory Price and dues for 2015-16, will be distributed to 1,604 farmers. The money will be deposited in the bank accounts of the respective farmers.

N Palanichamy, State president of Tamil Nadu Sugarcane Farmers’ Association said, “The mill is yet to pay Rs 7 crore, dues of the year 2016-17. The continuous agitation launched by farmers has compelled the government to release their dues.”

The farmers want the sugar mill to start crushing operations. The mill has stopped operations for the last two years and farmers have to send their cane to sugar mills that are far away increasing the transportation cost as well as other problems.

“These mills procure cane from the local farmers first and procurement of cane from this region is delayed. This leads to the drying of cane and losing weight. The government should resume crushing at Alanganallur mill,” he further added.


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