Mumbai: On Monday, the Bombay High Court instructed the state government and its officials to strictly follow the recommendations provided by the Amicus Curiae...
New Delhi , March 18 (ANI): While corporate performance remains below par, key factors such as recovering rural demand, lower income tax burden, falling...
The Union agriculture ministry's plan to relocate the Indian Institute of Maize Research (IIMR) regional station from Begusarai in Bihar to Shivamogga in Karnataka...
राज्यातील ऊस तोडणीत झालेल्या यांत्रिकीकरणाचा फटका तोडणी मजुरांच्या कामाला बसत आहे. गेल्या काही काळापासून सर्वसाधारणपणे प्रत्येक वर्षी २०० ते २५० मशिन खरेदी करण्यात येत...