ChiniMandi, Mumbai: 13th Mar 2025
Domestic Market
Domestic sugar prices were reported stable
Despite the ISMA reducing the sugar production to 26.5 MMT and the AISTA to...
पुणे : ऊसतोडणी यंत्रधारकांच्या बिलातून पाचटासाठी कोणतीही कपात करण्यात येऊ नये, अशा सूचना सर्व साखर कारखान्यांना देण्यात येतील, असे लेखी पत्र साखर आयुक्तालयाने महाराष्ट्र...
Vaibhavwadi: The sugarcane harvest in the district has been completed, with a total production of 50,000 tonnes recorded this season. The average yield per...