Tamil Nadu: Dharampuri Cooperative sugar mill contributes 10.10 per cent to total sugar production in state

The Dharmapuri District cooperative sugar mill has achieved a feat by contributing 10.10% to the total sugar production in the state and has secured the second position among all districts. In the 2023-24 fiscal year, it crushed a record 137,778 metric tonnes of sugarcane. Over 3,000 acres of sugarcane are already registered for milling in the current year, reported The Hindu.

This year’s cane procurement price has been fixed at ₹3,565 per metric ton, including ₹3,350 on behalf of the Cooperative Society and ₹215 as a governmental subsidy. Further, cane growers can also avail of agricultural equipment at a subsidy from the Department of Agriculture Engineering, Collector K. Shanthi has stated.

Apart from the equipment subsidy, financial support will be provided to the growers depending upon their cropping pattern. Collector Shanthi appealed to all cane growers to register with the cooperative sugar mill before June 30 to avail themselves of the above benefits.


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