Tamil Nadu to explore sugar beet cultivation

Coimbatore: The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) in collaboration with the Belgium-based firm Sesvanderhave has initiated the study to check the Sugar beet cultivation as an alternative to sugarcane in the state.

Confirming the development, N Kumar, TNAU vice-chancellor said, “The firm will supply us the seeds of the sugar beet variety developed for cultivation in tropical regions and we will plant them at Coimbatore, Madurai, Vaigai Dam, Kadalur, Sirugamani and Melalathur. After observations, we will recommend the crop to the farmers and sugar mills.”

Drought in the state has impacted the sugarcane production. The cane shortage has affected the mills as many were forced to shut it. Drought impact is likely to persist in season 2019-2020 too. Due to various reasons, Tamil Nadu sugar industry is in deep crisis, and they are awaiting financial assistance to come on track. Sugar producers from the state have requested a relief package to come out of this grim situation

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