Thailand: Finance Ministry To seek Cabinet Approval For 6 Billion Baht To Buy Sugarcane Harvesting Machines


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Thailand who plays a vital role in world sugar sector is mulling a plan to request a Cabinet for 6 billion baht for sugarcane harvesters to reduce smog.

According to report published in, Thailand’s Finance Ministry will seek cabinet approval for 6 billion baht, to be distributed by the state-run Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC), for farmer cooperatives and community enterprises to purchase sugarcane harvesting machines.

Cane farmers in Thailand often put their fields on the blaze to clear weeds and make way for easier harvesting. However, such fires contribute to the ongoing smog crisis in the country.

“Sugarcane farmers are not capable of buying machines, so in many provinces, they opt to burn the cane to enable harvesting, which produces smog from PM2.5 dust particles. This reduces the quality of the harvest and, thus, the value” said Apirom Sookprasert, BAAC manager.

“If it is approved then farmer cooperatives and community enterprises will be able to contact the BAAC to apply for loans, with at least one sugar miller acting as the guarantor, to purchase the harvesters” he added.

Farmers, who are members of cooperatives or community enterprises, will be able to hire the harvesters, which will reduce the smog caused by cane burning.

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