This has been declared as best sugar mill in Haryana

For its achievements, Kaithal Cooperative Sugar Mill has been declared as the best sugar mill in Haryana in the 2018-19 crushing season.

Union Minister Narinder Singh Tomar and Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar during a state-level function in Yamunanagar honoured Mill chairperson Deputy Commissioner Dr Priyanka Soni and MD Jagdeep Singh.

With the recovery rate of 10.20 per cent, the sugar mill produced 4 lakh 11,394 lakh quintal sugar by crushingย 40.43 lakh quintal sugarcane. Sugar mill achieved this target by functioning 166 days.

According to Deputy Commissioner Priyanka Soni, “For the first time, 10.2 per cent sugar recovery has been achieved after the commencement of the mill. The mill functioned at 98.38 per cent of installed capacity. Sugar mill managed to earn Rs 2 crore additional revenue by producing 11.73 lakh quintal โ€œkhoiโ€ (cane residue) and saving power.”

According to the reports, Kaithal is the first sugar mill in Haryana to survey cane through the GPS system.

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