Traders to celebrate BJP win on Thursday: CAIT

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New Delhi, May 22 (UNI) Business community across the country is more eager to see Mr Narendra Modi as prime minister again since he is the only leader who can give a stable government which will be advantageous for both trade and economy of the country, the CAIT announced on Wednesday.

Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) Secretary General Praveen Khandelwal said if the BJP wins, the trading community all over the country will burn fire crackers and celebrate Diwali Thursday as soon as the results are declared.

Taking Mr Modi’s win as booster for the country, the traders are more enthusiastic and in a festive mood. “We have advised trade associations across Country to celebrate the victory as a big bash.”

Mr Khandelwal said, “We are confident of victory of BJP & NDA allies since major chunk of 7 crore traders & their employees have not only voted for BJP as a consolidated vote bank but has also conducted an aggressive campaign in support of BJP and allies. The CAIT has conducted a nationwide poll survey among traders and their consumers and based on the feedback it predicts that BJP alone will get 290-300 seats while NDA allies will get about 50 seats.”


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