Ukraine’s sugar export reaches 421,800 tons since start of 2024

Ukraine’s sugar exports have been booming in 2024. According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, since the start of 2024, Ukraine has exported 421,800 tons of sugar, with 301,000 tons destined for EU countries.

“Since the inception of the memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Ukrsugar (from September 2023), 665,000 tons of sugar have been sold. In May 2024, Ukrainian entrepreneurs sold a total of 158,500 tons. Of these, 110,500 tons were exported, including 72,000 tons to EU countries,” the message states.

Additionally, more than 48,000 tons of sugar were sold on the domestic market in May, at an average price of UAH 24.6 per kilogram.

The memorandum of understanding regulates the volume of sugar exports, setting a limit of 750,000 tons per marketing year, based on the preliminary balance of demand and supply for the 2023/2024 marketing year.

As the Ukrainian News agency reported, Ukraine exported a record amount of sugar in May. The Cabinet of Ministers has set a zero quota for sugar exports for 2024 in May this year.


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