US, China Agree to Continue Trade Talks Early on Friday


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Moscow, May 10, UNI: The US and Chinese officials have agreed to continue their trade negotiations, which are underway in Washington, D.C., on Friday morning, the White House said in a statement.

The talks are led by Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer from the US side and Vice Premier Liu He from the Chinese side.

“This evening, Ambassador Lightizer and Secretary [of the Treasury, Steven] Mnuchin met with President [of the United States, Donald] Trump to discuss the ongoing trade negotiations with China. The Ambassador and Secretary then had a working dinner with Vice Premier Liu He, and agreed to continue discussions at USTR,” the statement, issued late on Thursday, read.

The sides have been trying to overcome their disagreements that emerged in the wake of Trump’s decision to impose 25 per cent tariffs on Chinese goods worth of $50 billion in a bid to fix the US-Chinese trade deficit last June. Since then, the sides have exchanged several rounds of trade duties.


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