US ethanol production rebounds, prices, and margins remain pressured

As -per the U.S. Energy Information Administration, ethanol production in the United States averaged 991,000 barrels per day. This marks an increase of 173,000 barrels from the previous week, which experienced a nearly three-year low due to weather impacts. However, it is down by 37,000 barrels compared to the same period last year, according to brownfieldagnews.

Iowa State University’s Center for Agricultural and Rural Development reported that the estimated operating margin for the average Iowa plant has returned to negative territory, indicating a modest loss.

The Renewable Fuels Association noted that ethanol stocks decreased for the first time since late November, reaching 24.27 million barrels. This reflects a decline of 1.545 million barrels for the week and 172,000 barrels compared to the same period last year.

Net ethanol inputs purchased by refiners and blenders, as well as the volume of gasoline supplied to the consumer market, both surpassed the previous week’s figures.

Ethanol exports saw an increase for the second consecutive week, averaging 137,000 barrels per day, reflecting a rise of 16,000 barrels.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s next projection for corn for ethanol use is scheduled for release on February 8th.


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