Uttar Pradesh government announces financial assistance of Rs 500 crore for cooperative sugar mills to settle cane arrears

Lucknow: On the request of Hon’ble Minister of Sugar Industry and Cane Development, Shri Suresh Rana, and With the grace of Hon’ble Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath, the State Government has given financial assistance in form of loan of Rs.500 crores to Cooperative Sugar Mills, to enable them for speedy payment of balance can dues of crushing season
2019-20 to Sugarcane farmers.

In this regard, Additional Chief Secretary, Sugar Industry and Cane Development Shri Sanjay R. Bhoosreddy told that State Government is sensitive to the Cane price payment of sugarcane farmers and keeping in view the payment capacity of the Cooperative sugar mills, a financial assistance of Rs.500 crores is provided as a loan to the Cooperative mills for timely payment of the Cane price. This amount will be allocated to 24 cooperative mills and transferred directly to the accounts of cane farmers.

He also informed that from the level of Commissioner and Additional Chief Secretary, Department of Sugar Industry and Cane Development, the position of Cane price payment by Sugar Mills to farmers is being continuously monitored.

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