Muzaffarnagar: Along with record in sugar production, Uttar Pradesh has set a new record of jaggery production also. As per the estimates of trade organizations, jaggery production in Up is likely to be around 50 lakh tonnes, 11% hike in the annual jaggery production of 4.5 million tonnes.
Jaggery production in the western parts of the UP has seen an increase in jaggery production due to the increased sugarcane cultivation.
According to the media report, Arun Khandelwal, president of the Federation of Gur (jaggery) traders said, “The jaggery production continued even during lockdown due to constant supply of sugarcane. The production is currently underway in some units in the Muzaffarpur area and about 400-500 bags (40 kg in one bag) is arriving daily.
In the current crushing season 2019-20, the sugar mills of the state crushed 1,116 lakh tonnes of sugarcane and produced 126.50 lakh tonnes of sugar. The crushing and sugar production is recorded highest in the history of state.
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