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Search Engine
of the Indian Sugar Industry

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Simple & User Friendly Portal

Enquiring and getting found in the simple way.

Enhanced Business Visibility

Increased brand awareness & online visibility.

Industry’s Largest B2B Listing Hub

Indian Sugar Industry's Largest B2B e-Directory & e-Enquiry Hub.

360 degree digital marketing

Data-led profitable action plan with wider audience.

Easier mode to enquire

Easier method to enquire or post an enquiry in the industry.

Quicker connection with audience

Maximised chances to connect quicker with targeted audience.


26 September 2024

ESY 2024-25: Oil Marketing Companies invite bid for 916 crore litres of ethanol...

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26 September 2024

Balmer Lawrie to invest Rs 330 crore for ethanol production...

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26 September 2024

Government fixes 25.5 LMT monthly sugar quota for domestic sale in October 2024...

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26 September 2024

As sugar season 2024-25 approaches, industry urges lower sugar quota for October...

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25 September 2024

Malaysia: "Wednesday will be sugar-free day in Parliament"...

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25 September 2024

Odisha approves 31 projects, including ethanol and compressed biogas...

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